Brasília – A comissão de reforma política do Senado aprovou, ontem (6/4), o entendimento do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) sobre a fidelidade partidária, segundo o qual o mandado pertence aos partidos e não aos eleitos. Com isso, o abandono da sigla sem justa causa acarretará perda do mandado.
O presidente da comissão, senador Francisco Dornelles (PP-RJ), afirmou que pretende apresentar o relatório final dos trabalhos ainda esta semana. A ideia é compilar os itens aprovados e transformá-los em anteprojeto de lei a ser votado pelo plenário da Casa.
A comissão também manteve a decisão do TSE sobre a cláusula de barreira permitindo que apenas terão direito do funcionamento parlamentar os partidos com no mínimo três representantes de diferentes estados. Em relação ao limite de gastos, uma lei deve limitar os valores para os partido.
Também foi aprovada pela comissão a proposta apresentada pelo senador Itamar Franco (PPS-MG) em relação à possibilidade de candidaturas avulsas. Segundo o texto, poderá haver candidaturas avulsas exclusivamente para as eleições municipais (prefeitos e vereadores), sendo obrigatório o apoio de um percentual mínimo de eleitores na circunscrição para o qual o candidato pleiteie o registro.
Em relação à filiação partidária e ao domicílio eleitoral, a comissão manteve a legislação atual. Ela diz que para se candidatar é preciso que o político tenha domicílio eleitoral na respectiva circunscrição pelo prazo de pelo menos um ano antes do pleito. Também deverá estar filiado a um partido pelo mesmo prazo.
A comissão de reforma política negou, por 7 votos a 6, a proposta de federação de partidos. Dornelles argumentou que não faz sentido aprovar a federação partidária, já que a comissão havia proibido a existência de coligações.
Hoje (7), último dia de trabalho da comissão, serão analisadas as propostas de aplicação de quotas para as mulheres e a que permite consulta popular.
Publicado em: Governo
Muito interessante! Tem que meter o bedelho mesmo, por que a coisa tá crítica!!! é isso aí!!!
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
Handy ideas will use these immediately.
I think that this wedding is one of the greatest things to happen of the recent years. Felicitations to the happy couple and any one that doesn’t agree is a misery.
Now I’ve seen CBS’s 60 minutes episode I be sure Lance is done for.
After watching CBS’s 60 Mins show you have to be sure Lance is done for.
Ever since that episode of 60 Minutes I be sure Armstrong is done for.
I definitely dig your views!
Great post, thanks to whoever thought of it and for having the initiave to put it up
Many thanks for the post, I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
Many thanks for the post, I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
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I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the decade. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.
I definitely agree with this!
Gracias for today’s entry, honestly, can you sign up as a contributor for wikipedia because the current entries hosted there for our hobby is quite frankly drivel. I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
I really dig this.
I don’t agree with it, many thanks for taking the time to put it up
Many thanks for today’s entry, I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
I don’t agree with it, thanks to whoever thought of it and for taking the time to think of it
Grazie for this entry, honestly, can you become a writer for wikipedia because the current pages hosted there for our interest is quite frankly drivel. I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.
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I can’t say I completely agree, thanks to whoever thought of it and for showing the initiative to think of it
Many thanks for the post, seriously, can you become a author for wikipedia because the current pages in there for our interest is frankly next to useless. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Many thanks for today’s entry, seriously, can you sign up as a contributor for wikipedia because the current pages in there for our hobby is frankly next to useless. I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.
Thanks for your post, I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.
After watching that 60 Minutes Program I would bet Lance Armstrong is finished.
Pleasant article, I genuinely had a good time reading it, keep doing the hard writing.
Fun article, I actually benefited from reading it, keep doing the good work.
I think that this wedding will be one of the greatest things to happen of the decade. The wishes of a nation to the happy newlyweds and any body that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.