Vejam só o que a Prefeitura de Maricá/RJ não faz para poder “encaixar” seus “amigos”

Publicado em   27/set/2011
por  Caio Hostilio

Prefeito Quaquá

Num esforço de criatividade, inventam os mais estapafúrdios nomes e as mais curiosas funções. Reparem que o prefeito “copiou” e “salvou” funções de outras esferas, como o Estado e a União, que exigem mais quantidade de funcionários e onde há um teor maior de complexidade, que não é o caso de Maricá, com 117 mil habitantes. A Prefeitura possui 98 Subsecretarias.


Alguém tem fôlego para soletrar esse bicho?

“Projetos especiais”?, “Ações estratégicas”? Termos vagos e generalizantes para inglês ver.  

Outra vez, não seriam casos para uma cidade recém-classificada “média”. No máximo, tais assuntos deveriam ser materializados em “comissões”, assim como se dá no âmbito federal!

Temos ex-guerrilheiro sandinista em Subsecretaria de Relações Internacionais! Que relações seriam essas para Maricá? Com a Venezuela, talvez, já que o uniforme da escola municipal é uma homenagem ao Hugo Chavez. Aliás, será que não tem pretrodólares venezuelanos entrando firme em Maricá…?

Só pra lembrar, Niterói, com 500 mil habitantes, e Nova Iguaçu, com 900 mil, possuem menos que a metade das subsecretarias, secretarias, coordenadorias, superintendências, assessorias, monitorias, gerências executivas do que Maricá.

Critério para nomear? Competência?! Nada disso! Precisa uma ajudinha de custo. Como se chama mesmo isso?

Um desses subsecretários é o “petista emplumado” Márcio Jardim, que não sabe como gastar a grana que recebe dos contribuintes otários de Maricá. Ele não sabe nem onde vai gastar a grana, como bem diz em seu mural no Facebook. É mole?

  Publicado em: Governo

41 comentários para Vejam só o que a Prefeitura de Maricá/RJ não faz para poder “encaixar” seus “amigos”

  1. paulo disse:

    Caio, gostaria de saber a respeito da greve dos estudantes de medicina (UEMA) em Caxias. Hoje (27.09) parece que vai haver uma passeata. Abraços

  2. Onie Dair disse:

    Good thoughts will implement all these soon.

  3. Lyndsay Sileo disse:

    Many thanks for your entry, I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  4. Luba Alessi disse:

    Enjoyable article, I genuinely benefited from studying it, keep doing all the good efforts.

  5. Nery Peroff disse:

    In light of CBS’s 60 minutes episode I would be sure Armstrong is done for.

  6. Treasa Goyco disse:

    After watching the 60 Mins show I would think Lance Armstrong is finished.

  7. Edie Darrisaw disse:

    I can’t say I completely agree, thanks are in order for taking the time to write it down

  8. Given that Sixty Minutes program I be sure Armstrong is caught.

  9. Pilar Rodney disse:

    Lovely post, kudos to you for making the effort to come up with it

  10. Thank you for this post, seriously, can you become a topic contributor for wikipedia because the current stuff hosted there for our interest is quite frankly next to useless. I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  11. Lillia Shont disse:

    Grazie for today’s entry, seriously, can you become a writer for wikipedia because the current stuff submitted there for our interest is quite frankly drivel. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.

  12. Chara Cordts disse:

    Gracias for your entry, seriously, can you become a writer for wikipedia because the current entries in there for our interest is frankly next to useless. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  13. Thanks for the entry, seriously, can you sign up as a writer for wikipedia because the current pages in there for our hobby is quite frankly drivel. I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  14. Valda Loosen disse:

    Lovely post, thanks to whoever thought of it and for showing the initiative to write it down

  15. Wonderful page,There’s no doubt that you have clearly assembled a website I must read on the regular basis. Thanks a lot.

  16. Anitra Sweatt disse:

    I can’t say I completely agree, thanks for making the effort to think of it

  17. Sang Fugler disse:

    I can’t help but think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the decade. Felicitations to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a republican.

  18. Great ideas, props to you for making the effort to think of it

  19. In light of the Sixty Minutes program you have to bet Lance is done for.

  20. Many thanks for your post, honestly, can you become a author for wikipedia because the current entries in there for our hobby is quite frankly next to useless. I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  21. Dina Prezioso disse:

    Nice content,I’m sure you have without a doubt assembled a blog I have to return to frequently. Many thanks.

  22. I think that this wedding is one of the greatest things to happen of the 2000s. Congratulations to the happy couple and any one that doesn’t agree is a republican.

  23. Alysha Hecht disse:

    Ever since that 60 Mins show you have to be sure Lance Armstrong is kaput.

  24. Ammie Wickert disse:

    Thank you for your post, I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  25. Devora Belvin disse:

    Fun page, I genuinely enjoyed glossing over it, keep up all the hard work.

  26. I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Congratulations to the happy newlyweds and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.

  27. Magaly Kielar disse:

    Grazie for this post, honestly, can you become a writer for wikipedia because the current pages in there for our interest is quite frankly garbage. I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  28. Tora Catching disse:

    Thanks for today’s entry, I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  29. I most certainly like this post.

  30. Arlena Gloe disse:

    Thanks for the post, seriously, can you sign up as a topic writer for wikipedia because the current stuff hosted there for our interest is quite frankly next to useless. I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so ably.

  31. Tillie Oki disse:

    Lovely ideas, many thanks for having the initiave to put your ideas down

  32. Yetta Salee disse:

    Fantastic ideas, thanks to whoever thought of it and for showing the initiative to throw it up

  33. Noel Borgers disse:

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  34. Fine contribution,In my opinion you have absolutely started an internet site I have to come back to more often. Many thanks.

  35. I most certainly digg this post!

  36. Fantastic ideas, many thanks for showing the initiative to come up with it

  37. Great ideas, thanks are in order for taking the time to write it down

  38. Maile Autobee disse:

    Very good piece,I feel you have undoubtedly fashioned a web page I wish to return to on a regular basis. Many thanks.

  39. Given the 60 Mins show I would conclude Lance is done for.

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