Zé Alencar, a dignidade venceu o preconceito

Publicado em   30/mar/2011
por  Caio Hostilio

Por Erly Ricci,

Em junho de 2002, quando o preconceito contra o candidato Lula e o ódio a seu partido, o PT, eram inoculados diuturnamente na opinião pública pelas trombetas da orquestra midiático-tucana, um empresário rico, bem-sucedido, aceitou transformar-se em antídoto ao veneno difamatório.

Tornou-se vice na chapa do operário metalúrgico. Filho de Muriaé, (MG), dono do maior complexo têxtil do país, a Coteminas, o então senador José Alencar, o Zé, como Lula passou a chamá-lo carinhosamente, sabia muito bem o que estava fazendo. A voz grave e pausada de quem conhece o manejo criterioso da pontuação oral tornou-se aos poucos portadora de mensagens que muitos de seus pares, majoritariamente engajados então na candidatura de José Serra, estremeciam só de ouvir.

Em parte, a esquerda petista também se surpreendeu; aos poucos trocaria o preconceito pelo respeito afetuoso. “Nacionalismo não é xenofobia, é interesse pelo próprio país”, disparava em entrevista ao site da campanha Lula Presidente, em julho de 2002. ‘Podemos abdicar de nossas fronteiras econômicas? Questionava na mesma ocasião indagando sobre a ALCA, agenda prestigiosa então, majoritariamente defendida pelo conservadorismo pró-Serra. “Mas e as fronteiras políticas?” argüia mineiramente “Vamos ter um só Presidente da República no mundo globalizado? Será que ele vai defender nossos interesses? Uma só moeda? Quem vai controlá-la? Uma só política monetária? Sabemos que não é assim”, respondia então com o mesmo sorriso maroto que arrematava as interrogações provocativas. “Se não é assim continuamos a existir como país. Não podemos abdicar de nossas fronteiras e obrigações políticas”.

Por essas e por outras, Lula, na passagem para o segundo turno em outubro de 2002, num debate com delegações estrangeiras, brincou: “Às vezes eu preciso lembrar o Zé que é para ele ficar a minha direita, não a minha esquerda”.

José Alencar deixará saudades!!!

  Publicado em: Governo

42 comentários para Zé Alencar, a dignidade venceu o preconceito

  1. Good ideas will use these immediately.

  2. Fantastic ideas, kudos to you for taking the time to put it up

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  5. Sun Wengreen disse:

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  6. Lyda Stropus disse:

    I think that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the 2000s. Best wishes to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a misery.

  7. Lillia Hake disse:

    Terrific piece of writing,I do think you could have certainly started a web page I must check back on routinely. Many thanks.

  8. There’s no doubt that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the 2000s. Felicitations to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a republican.

  9. Mae Reiner disse:

    Fine post,I do think you’ve surely set up a web site I have to come back to more often. Thanks.

  10. Sudie Tiboni disse:

    Ever since the 60 Mins show I think Armstrong is doing the perp walk soon.

  11. Extraordinary piece,There’s no doubt that you have unquestionably fashioned an internet site I want to check back on daily. Thank you.

  12. Many thanks for the post, honestly, can you become a topic writer for wikipedia because the current pages submitted there for our hobby is frankly dross. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  13. Susana Emano disse:

    Great post, many thanks for having the initiave to throw it up

  14. Many thanks for this post, seriously, can you sign up as a author for wikipedia because the current entries hosted there for our hobby is quite frankly dross. I don’t quite agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  15. Lenita Frist disse:

    I am over the moon about it and I think that this wedding is one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy couple and any body that doesn’t agree is a republican.

  16. Great post, thanks are in order for taking the time to put it up

  17. Now I’ve seen CBS’s Sixty Minutes program you have to think Lance is caught.

  18. Gracias for today’s entry, honestly, can you sign up as a topic contributor for wikipedia because the current entries submitted there for our hobby is quite frankly dross. I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  19. Many thanks for today’s post, I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  20. Pleasant article, I genuinely benefited from glossing over it, keep doing the good writing.

  21. Ada Raymos disse:

    After watching the episode of 60 Minutes you have to be sure Armstrong is kaput.

  22. Alease Prost disse:

    Ever since CBS’s 60 Minutes Program one can’t help but reckon Lance is finished.

  23. There’s no doubt that this wedding will be one of the best things to happen of the recent years. Best wishes to the happy newlyweds and any one that doesn’t agree is a killjoy.

  24. Lovely piece, thanks for taking the time to throw it up

  25. Brilliant page,I do think you could have unquestionably established an internet site I need to visit on a weekly basis. Thanks.

  26. Gracias for your entry, honestly, can you sign up as a topic contributor for wikipedia because the current stuff submitted there for our interest is quite frankly next to useless. I can’t say I agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  27. Kay Whitsitt disse:

    Ever since CBS’s Sixty Minutes program I would think Lance is finished.

  28. Gracias for the post, honestly, can you sign up as a author for wikipedia because the current stuff in there for our hobby is quite frankly dross. I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  29. Roxie Greenup disse:

    Great post, many thanks for making the effort to think of it

  30. Thanks for the entry, seriously, can you sign up as a author for wikipedia because the current pages submitted there for our hobby is frankly dross. I don’t agree exactly with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  31. Gracias for the post, seriously, can you become a topic contributor for wikipedia because the current entries in there for our hobby is frankly dross. I can’t say I agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I certainly applaud your effort in putting it so ably.

  32. There’s no doubt that this wedding is one of the greatest things to happen of the 2000s. The wishes of a nation to the happy couple and any one that doesn’t agree is a stick in the mud.

  33. Many thanks for this entry, honestly, can you become a contributor for wikipedia because the current stuff submitted there for our interest is frankly next to useless. I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so succinctly.

  34. Decent piece of writing,I’m sure you have surely assembled a website I would like to check back on frequently. Thanks.

  35. Eilene Tagge disse:

    Grazie for this entry, seriously, can you sign up as a writer for wikipedia because the current stuff in there for our hobby is frankly next to useless. I don’t quite agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I wholeheartedly applaud your effort in putting it so clearly.

  36. Lovely ideas, thanks for having the initiave to think of it

  37. Tammie Tllo disse:

    Wonderful piece of writing,It is my opinion you have unquestionably set up a web site I must check back on regularly. Thanks a lot.

  38. Risa Kingdom disse:

    Now I’ve seen that 60 Mins show I bet Lance Armstrong is kaput.

  39. Junita Kunis disse:

    Wonderful message,I do think you could have for sure started a web site I want to read weekly. Thank you.

  40. Kamala Hulm disse:

    Grazie for the post, honestly, can you sign up as a topic writer for wikipedia because the current entries hosted there for our interest is frankly garbage. I don’t agree completely with it but I agree with it on the most part and I definitely applaud your effort in putting it so ably.

  41. Shawanna Naso disse:

    Lovely piece, kudos to you for having the initiave to think of it

  42. Great ideas, thanks for making the effort to put it up

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